This feature is on Beta state.

We’re looking for feedbacks to improve this feature, share yours here.

The Translation model generates translations of your transcriptions to one or more targeted languages. If subtitles and/or sentences are enabled, the translations will also include translated results for them. You can translate your transcription to multiples languages in a single API call.

The list of the languages covered by the Translation feature are listed in the API Reference (see translation_config).

2 translation models are available:

  • base : Fast, cover most use cases
  • enhanced : Slower, but higher quality and with context awareness


To enable translation simply set the "translation" parameter to true

request data
  "audio_url": "<your audio url>"
  "translation": true


The transcription result will contain a "translation" key with the output of the model:

  "translation": {
    success: true,
    is_empty: false,
    results: [
        words: [
            word: "Diviser",
            start: 0.20043,
            end: 0.7008000000000001,
            confidence: 1
            word: "l'infini",
            start: 0.9009500000000001,
            end: 1.5614400000000002,
            confidence: 1
        languages: [Array],
        full_transcript: "Diviser l'infini dans un temps où moins est plus...",
        utterances: [Array], // Also translated
        error: null
        words: [
            word: "Dividir",
            start: 0.20043,
            end: 0.7008000000000001,
            confidence: 1
            word: "la infinidad",
            start: 0.9009500000000001,
            end: 1.5614400000000002,
            confidence: 1
        languages: [Array],
        full_transcript: "Dividir la infinidad en un tiempo en que menos es más, donde demasiado nunca es suficiente...",
        utterances: [Array], // Also translated
        error: null
    exec_time: 0.6475496292114258,
    error: null

If you enabled the subtitles generation, those will also benefits from the translation model.