All the configuration properties described below are defined in the POST /v2/live endpoint.

Language detection

Spoken language(s)

To obtain the best result (in terms of accuracy and speed), it’s important to narrow the list of languages:

  "language_config": {
    "languages": ["en"]

Code switching

If you expect multiple languages to be spoken during the Real-time session, enable the code switching option:

  "language_config": {
    "languages": ["en", "fr"],
    "code_switching": true

Word-level timestamps

Instead of just getting utterances start and end timestamps, Gladia Live Speech-To-Text API provides the Word-level timestamps feature. It lets you know the exact timestamp for each word and give you a more precise transcription. This feature is particularly useful for detailed analysis, as it allows you to pinpoint the exact moment each word is spoken, facilitating a more accurate synchronization with audio or video files.

To enable it, pass the following configuration:

  "realtime_processing": {
    "words_accurate_timestamps": true

Under each utterance, you’ll find a words property like this:

  // ... other utterance properties
  "words": [
      "word": "Split",
      "start": 0.21001999999999998,
      "end": 0.69015,
      "confidence": 1
      "word": " infinity",
      "start": 0.91021,
      "end": 1.55038,
      "confidence": 0.95

Custom vocabulary

To enhance the precision of transcription, especially for words or phrases that recur often in your audio stream, you can utilize the custom_vocabulary feature in the configuration.
The custom vocabulary has the following limitations:

  • global limit of 10k characters
  • no more than 100 elements
  • each element should not contain more than 5 words
  "realtime_processing": {
    "custom_vocabulary": true,
    "custom_vocabulary_config": {
      "vocabulary": ["Westeros", "Stark", "Night's Watch"]

Multiple channels audio stream

If you have multiple channels in your audio stream, specify the count in the configuration:

  "channels": 2

Gladia Live STT API will automatically split them and transcribe them separately.
For each utterance, you will get a channel key corresponding to the channel the transcription came from.

Sending an audio with 2 channels will be billed twice the audio duration even if channels are identical.

Attaching custom metadata

You can attach metadata to your live transcription session using the custom_metadata property. This will allow you to recognize your transcription when you get its data from the GET /v2/live/:id endpoint, but more important, it will allow you to use it as a filter in the GET /v2/live list endpoint. For example, you can add the following to your configuration:

"custom_metadata": {
    "internalUserId": 2348739875894375,
    "paymentMethod": {
        "last4Digits": 4576
     "internalUserName": "Spencer"

And then, use the following GET request to filter results like:{"internalUserId": "2348739875894375"}

or{"paymentMethod": {"last4Digits": 4576}, "internalUserName": "Spencer"}

custom_metadata cannot be longer than 2000 characters when stringified.